May 12, 2019 -- Dr. JiangBiao He Giving a Tutorial on Fault-Tolerant Electric Motor Drives in IEEE IEMDC-2019

May 12, 2019    Dr. JiangBiao He was giving a 4-hour tutorial (collaborated with Dr. Behrooz Mirafzal from Kansas State University) in 2019 IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference (IEMDC-2019), San Diego, CA, on May 12-15, 2019. IEMDC has been a prestigous biennial international conference in electric machines and variable-frequency drives since 1997, co-sponsored by four IEEE societies: IAS, PELS, IES, and PES. 

This tutorial mainly focused on the on-line fault prognosis, diagnosis, and fault-tolerant operation of variable-frequency motor drives for safety-critical applications (EV, MEA, etc.). Dr. He also served as the Publicity Chair and Technnical Track Chair on the organizing committee for IEMDC-2019.