Apr. 29, 2020 -- Trevor Arvin Awarded the Best B.S. Student Presentation in 2020 ECE Research Symposium

Trevor Arvin, an undergraduate RA student with AMPERE Lab and also a USP (University Scholar Program) student, is awarded the Best B.S. Student Presentation in the 2020 UK-ECE Research Symposium. In this virtual Research Symposium, there were 52 research presentations from UK-ECE graduate and undergraudate students. Trevor has been working on the modeling and simulation of fast resonant dc circuit breaker for MVDC applications under the supervision of Dr. He since May 2019, and has two papers accepted by the international conferences, IEEE IPEMC-2020 and ITEC-2020. This research on developing dc circuit breakers has been sponsored by DOE ARPA-E Breaker grant.

Congratulations to Trevor!