
(Note: Postdoc and Ph.D. positions with full scholarship are available. PhD applicants who have a M.S. degree or project experience in power converters, transformers, and motor-drive systems are preferred. Basic requirements include: GPA>3.5, TOEFL90 (or IELTS7). Please contact Dr. He with your resume if you are interested)


The research scope of the AMPERE Laboratory includes development of high-performance electric motor drives, power converters, and electromagnetic apparatuses for broad applications. Particularly, the laboratory has been focusing on the following topics:

  • High-Performance Motor-Drive Systems
    • High efficiency, high power density and high reliability (H3) of motor-drive systems
    • Integrated motor-drive systems in emerging applications (UAV, robotics, etc)  
  • High Efficiency and High Power Density Power Converters
    • New power converter topologies and control strategies based on SiC/GaN devices
    • Converter system multi-objective optimization for special applications
  • Health Monitoring and Fault-Tolerant Operation of Power Conversion Systems
    • Digital twin framework development for power conversion systems
    • On-line prediction of electric aging faults in power electronics and motor drives
    • On-line fast diagnosis of electric faults in power conversion systems
    • Fault-tolerant design and control of power conversion systems  
  • Transportation Electrifications (Electric vehicles and aircraft, etc.)
    • High-performance hybrid and electric propulsion drives
    • DC fast chargers and solid-state DC circuit breakers
  • Microgrid and Renewable Energy Integration
    • "PV+Wind+Battery" hybrid renewable energy systems
    • AC/DC microgrids

Funded research projects in the AMPERE Lab are listed as follows:

  • PI, "Advanced Immersion Cooled Power Electronic Converters for Transportation Propulsion", funded by Valvoline Global Operations, June 1, 2024 - May 31, 2025.
  • PI, "Advanced Wound Field Synchronous Motor for EV Traction Applications", funded by Quanten Technologies Incorporated (Texas), May 15, 2024 - Feb. 15, 2025. 
  • PI, "Collaborative Research: Digital Twin Predictive Reliability Modeling of Solid-State Transformers", funded by NSF, collaborated with State University of New York at Albany, Aug 2023 - July 2026. 
  • PI, "GaN Quad-Active-Bridge Converter for Hybrid PV-Battery Systems", funded by DOE EERE Solar Energy Technologies, collaborated with Epower Technologies, July 2023 - April 2024.
  • UK PI, "Self-Security for Grid-Interactive Smart Inverters", funded by Epower Technologies, July 2023 - April 2024. 
  • PI, “Power Electronic Converters with Advanced Immersion Cooling and Moisture Sensor Technologies”, funded by Valvoline International R&D, Co-PI: Dr. David Chen, Sept 2022 - Mar 2024.
  • Co-PI, "Autonomous Fault-Tolerant Operation of Redundant Robotic Arms," funded by NSF, PI: Dr. B. Xie at UK, Sept 2022 - Aug 2025.
  • Co-PI, "Study of the Impacts of Increasing Electric Vehicles on TVA Power Grid and Potential Mitigation Solutions to Identified Problems," funded by Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), PI: Dr. Y. Liao at UK, April 2022 - Dec 2024.
  • PI, "Electric Machines with Adaptive Surge Impedance -- Modeling and Hardware Development," funded by ONR, May 2022 - April 2025.
  • UK PI, "IZEA – Integrated Zero-Emission Aviation using a Robust Hybrid Architecture," funded by NASA University Leadership Initiative (ULI); Lead organization: Florida State University; June 2022 - May 2027.
  • Co-PI, "Real-Time Digital Simulator Empowered Modeling, Diagnostics, Protection and Control of Power Components and Systems," funded by DOD DURIP Program, PI: Dr. Yuan Liao, Sept. 2021 - Sept. 2023. 
  • PI, "Collaborative Research: Smart Coils for AC Motors", funded by NSF, Oct 2021 - Sept 2024.
  • PI, "REU: Fault-Tolerant Electric Propulsion Drive System," funded by NASA-KY, Sept 2021 - Aug 2022.
  • UK PI, "Ultra-high-Performance nano-Liquid Insulation for upgrading Large Power Transformers (UPLIFT)," funded by DOE ARPA-E (prime: GE Research), May 2021- Mar 2024.
  • PI, "High-Reliability Aircraft Propulsion Drives based on Digital Twin Technology," funded by NASA-KY EPSCoR, Aug 2020-July 2021.
  • UK PI, "Ultra Fast Resonant DC Breaker," funded by U.S. Department of Energy's Advanced Research Projects Agency - Energy (ARPA-E), collaborated with PI Dr. Weise, Aug 2019 - July 2021.
  • Co-PI, "STTR: Utilizing Electrical Waveforms for System Diagnosis Through Simulation, Data Analytics and Machine Learning," funded by IAI Inc., MD, collaborated with PI Dr. Liao at UK and Dr. Voronin at IAI, Jun 2020 - Jan 2021.
  • PI, "Ultra-Compact High-Reliability Aircraft Propulsion Drives," funded by NASA-KY EPSCoR, Aug 2019-July 2020.
  • PI, "Solid-State DC Circuit Breaker for Microgrid Applications," funded by U.S. Southeastern Center for Electrical Engineering Education (SCEEE), July 2019-June 2020.
  • PI, “Modeling and Simulation of Aircraft MVDC Propulsion Drive Systems”, funded by U.S. Southeastern Center for Electrical Engineering Education (SCEEE), Jan 2020-July 2020. 


We would like to acknowledge all the support for the research projects sponsored by NSF, DOE, DOD, NASA, industries, non-profit institutions, and universities.